The Association for Science Education is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 313123) and Scotland (no. SC042473). The Association was granted a Royal Charter in 2004. The Royal Charter sets out the Association’s charitable objectives and the framework within which it works. The object of the Association as stated in the Royal Charter is:
Improving the teaching of science and providing an authoritative medium through which opinions of teachers of science may be expressed on educational matters.
The links below provides information on how ASE operates as a professional body, our governance and strategy.
ASE Charter, Operating Procedures and Strategic Plan
The ASE's Governing documents are our charter, bylaws and operating procedures.
ASE Annual Reports
Our annual reports review our achievements, plans for the year ahead and our financial activities.
ASE Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2025 AGM was held online on Saturday 8th March 2025. Our next AGM will be held in March 2026.
ASE Region Handbook and Resources
ASE consists of 18 regions in the UK that facilitate and co-ordinate activity for science educators within their area.
ASE Quality and Audit Committee
The Quality and Audit Committee (Q&A) was established to ensure that the Association operates to the benefit of the members. In short, it is the members’ voice within ASE. The Q&A Committee will report to the members at the AGM at ASE Annual Conference. In addition, approved minutes of Q&A meetings are published for all members to read. These are available on request from ASE Headquarters by contacting
ASE Policy Documents
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