Public Liability Insurance

PLEASE NOTE: As with all insurance, members are advised to read the full terms and conditions of the policy, available from the files section below. Please also note that this policy is for PUBLIC LIABILITY not professional indemnity. 

Insurance information

The ASE has special arrangements with Aviva so that you, the member, have the protection of insurance cover up to £10,000,000 in case of awards against you arising from your legal public liability in respect of claims for death, injury, illness or loss of, or damage to, property of students and others resulting from events occurring whilst involved with delivering teaching to teachers, technicians and those training to be teachers and technicians and where you are not covered by your institution’s liability insurance, AND where promoting excellence in science education..

The policy operates within the Territorial limits which are Great Britain Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man but can be extended to include temporary working overseas with any longer secondments. Trips to difficult territories and trips to hostile areas (Foreign travel advice - GOV.UK ) must be advised to insurers prior to travel for acceptance.   

The full policy schedule is available in the files section below. Queries should be raised in the first instance with


Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Additionally, cover provides for a member’s representation, legal costs and other expenses arising from criminal prosecution if awarded against the member. Fines and Penalties are not included.

Personal Property

(Not applicable to Student Members)

The insurance extends to cover the personal property of members against loss or damage, including damage to clothing from acid burns and chemicals, provided protective clothing is worn.

Maximum claim for any one incident after deduction of excess

Personal Possessions



£ 50

Excess on any one claim

£ 50


A full copy of the policy terms and conditions is available below. 

Tel: 01707 283000                       Email:

Details of cover


(not applicable to student members)

Personal property belonging to members of the ASE is automatically insured under a policy taken out by the Association against loss or damage occurring anywhere in the United Kingdom, including transit, whilst carrying out your professional duties including extramural activities.

The policy will also cover damage to clothing by acid burns or chemicals, provided the member is wearing suitable protective clothing. Damage to the protective clothing is excluded

Special Conditions

  1. The first £50 of any loss or damage is excluded from the cover provided.
  2. There is a special stipulation in respect of cash left on the premises out of normal hours of tuition. Claims in this category cannot be admitted unless the cash is secured in a locked receptacle. For this purpose, a locked receptacle is a safe, locked drawer, cupboard or desk. The lunch break is regarded as out of hours and cash must be in a locked receptacle for this period.
  3. Theft from unattended vehicles is excluded unless the vehicle is garaged and in a securely locked building of substantial construction or there is visible sign of forcible & violent entry into the vehicle.
  4. The policy does not cover property or cash insured by the school, college or Local Authority.
  5. The cover does not apply to medals, coins (collectors’ pieces), unset precious stones, curiosities, sculptures, manuscripts, rare books, plans, patterns, models, moulds, designs, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, securities for money, stamps, business books or documents.

How to Claim

Members having to claim under this benefit should notify the ASE team immediately the loss or damage is discovered. A form will then be issued on which full particulars of the claim can be submitted.


The Association has also arranged to protect non-corporate members against their liability at law for:

  1. The death of or injury to or illness of any person or
  2. Loss of or damage to Third Party property

resulting from events occurring whilst involved with delivering teaching to teachers, technicians and those training to be teachers and technicians and where you are not covered by your institution’s liability insurance.

NOTE:                  For this cover to operate either 1 or 2 above must have occurred. Claims alleging professional negligence not involving the either I or 2 above would be considered under Professional Indemnity Insurance for which separate insurance cover is available*.

Special Conditions

There are certain exceptions to which the protection will not apply. (This list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the policy for a full list of all policy exclusions):

  1. Liability assumed by the members by agreement.
  2. Liability in respect of the death of or injury to or illness of any person arising out of and in the course of the employment of such person by the member.
  3. Liability in respect of loss or damage to property belonging to the member or in their custody or control.
  4. Liability in respect of death, injury, illness, loss or damage by or in connection with or arising from the ownership or possession or use by or on behalf of the member of any mechanically propelled vehicle or any vessel or craft.
  5. Liability of whatsoever nature directly caused by or contributed to or by or arising from ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
  6. Pollution and contamination, unless sudden, identifiable, unintended and unexpected.
  7. Exposure to and inhalation of (including the fear of the consequences of exposure to or inhalation of) asbestos.
  8. Professional Indemnity.

The limit of indemnity is £10,000,000 in respect of any one occurrence and is for members resident in the United Kingdom and visiting members temporarily residing in the United Kingdom.

How to Claim

Members should notify the ASE team immediately of any occurrence in which they are involved and for which it is possible, however remotely, they may be held to blame. Failure to do so may result in Insurers refusing to deal with the claim.


Tel: 01707 283000                       Email:

*Not through ASE