Mrs Naomi Hiscock CSciTeach


Primary STEM Education Consultancy
Sector: Primary, STEM
Specialism: Primary Science, Professional Development, STEM


I have over 15 years’ experience as a specialist primary science and D&T consultant and I am Director of Primary STEM Education Consultancy, one of the most successful specialist primary STEM education consultancies in England. It provides advice to national and regional STEM organisations, local authorities, school improvement partnerships, multi-academy trusts and federations on devising and implementing strategies for primary science and DT, as well as working directly with schools to develop their curricula and provide CPD tailored to their needs.

After graduating with a first class degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, sponsored by Rolls-Royce, I worked in inner-city primary schools and lead maths and science, before becoming a primary science consultant for a local authority. Over ten years ago, I set up Primary STEM Education Consultancy.

I lead the team of consultants responsible for developing the PLAN primary science resources which have been used by over 100,000 teachers to support their planning and assessment. I am a longstanding member of the Association for Science Education and member of its Education Group, a former chair of its Primary Science Committee and a Chartered Science Teacher. I am a Senior Facilitator for STEM Learning, regional lead for London for the Primary Science Quality Mark and a hub leader, and an author of primary science teaching and learning resources, including Collins Snap Science and Science Meets English.

ASE Region: London
Professional Indemnity Insurance Declaration: Yes
STEM Learning CPD Quality Mark: Senior Facilitator


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