ASE Inclusion team invited to parliament to share their expertise

The ASE Inclusion in Schools programme and the Institute of Physics’ Limit Less campaign both aim to increase diversity in STEM by implementing whole-school equity plans. This week, as the IOP shared their objectives at a drop-in event at the Houses of Parliament hosted by Selaine Saxby MP, the ASE Inclusion team was on hand to demonstrate what a whole-school equity plan looks like in practice, and how a focus on inclusion can help to engage students who are underrepresented in STEM.

First-hand accounts were shared by teachers from two of the participating IIS institutions, while everyone was greatly impressed by a team of students from Mortimer Community College – another IIS school - who spoke confidently about how important inclusion is in schools and the difference it makes to them. 

You can find out more about our upcoming Inclusion project – Inclusion in Science – on this page, where you can also express your interest in taking part next academic year.