British Science Week 2024

Check out our timely resources!

To help celebrate British Science Week, which this year has the theme of ‘Time’, we’ve opened up some of our member resources which touch on time in one way or another!

The 10,000 year cuckoo clock

In this activity, children explore ideas about how we measure time, and look at how these are used in different types of clocks such as hourglasses, sundials, pendulums and water clocks.

Are We Running Out of Sand?

In this activity, children consider what is sand? Why is sand such an important resource? And why is the UN concerned that it might soon run out?

Edible butterfly life cycle

This creative activity helps children visualise the life cycle of a butterfly by encouraging them to think of edible items to represent each stage of the cycle: egg – caterpillar – chrysalis – butterfly.

Galileo Galilei – How fast does it fall?

One of Galileo’s most famous observations was that two same-size objects of different weights hit the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height. This is because the force of gravity acting on both objects is the same. We can test this with a simple activity.

Want to explore the time theme further?

There are a number of books available through our bookshop that explore the theme of time. From 1st March through to 17th March, we’re offering 10% OFF of all our titles using code MAR2410! in addition to the ASE Members discount!

Locked in Time Our Time on Earth Saving the Planet One Science Lesson at a Time