EDI Consultancy - exciting new offer

Chalk drawings of EDI messages on playground

ASE are excited to announce the availability of a new EDI Consultancy service for secondary schools from our excellent Inclusion in Science/Schools team.  

Using the expertise and experience from our successful programmes: Inclusion in Schools and Inclusion in Science programme, ASE are now offering a consultancy service to support the development of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work at whole school or science department level.

Evaluation of our EDI programmes have shown positive impact on:

  • Developing the confidence and knowledge of science teachers of inclusive practice
  • More detailed data analysis to identify and support underserved pupils.
  • Improved leadership of inclusion
  • Improved awareness at whole school and department level of diversity and careers in the curriculum.

Research consistently demonstrates the benefits of external expertise in schools. A study conducted by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) highlighted the positive impact in areas such as teacher training and curriculum development. 

Our consultants use their expertise in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to support pedagogical approaches and promote professional development among teachers.  Our consultancy offer will encourage the development of cross-curricular work, ensuring a cohesive approach to targeted support that addresses the diverse needs of students across the department and the school.

For further information on this new opportunity, please see our Consultancy page