Empowering Science Educators: Insights from ASE's AI Webinar Series

We recently concluded an inspiring series of three webinars aimed at equipping science educators with the knowledge and tools to effectively integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their teaching practices. This series, designed with a keen understanding of the needs of educators from the UK and beyond, featured renowned experts and enthusiastic experimenters who shared their insights and practical experiences. The webinars were well-received, highlighting the ASE's commitment to providing relevant and engaging professional development for its members.

Webinar 1: Unlocking the Power of AI with Priya Lakhani OBE

The series kicked off with an enlightening session by Priya Lakhani OBE, a regular BBC presenter and founder of a pioneering AI education technology company. Lakhani provided a comprehensive overview of AI development, addressing both its capabilities and limitations. She emphasized the importance of having an AI policy and urged educators to critically evaluate the AI resources they use. Lakhani's session laid a strong foundation for understanding AI and discussing various types of AI, offering a solid basis for the subsequent webinars.

Webinar 2: Exploring Applications of AI in Secondary Education with Bourne Education Trust

The second webinar featured a team from the Bourne Education Trust, who have been at the forefront of using AI across multiple schools. Chris Goodall, Head of Digital Education, led the session, sharing practical insights on how their trust has leveraged both generative and traditional AI.

Goodall explained that traditional AI, trained on large datasets, personalizes learning by predicting areas where students might need interventions. Generative AI, on the other hand, can create new content such as text, images, and videos, which has been instrumental in supporting lesson planning, communication with parents, and administrative tasks, ultimately saving staff significant amounts of time each week.

Deputy Headteacher Aisleen Campbell elaborated on innovative strategies to mitigate specialist teacher shortages using AI. At Epsom and Ewell High School, AI platforms are integrated into 90-minute lessons, allowing specialist teachers to rotate and provide direct instruction to multiple classes efficiently. This approach not only maximizes the impact of specialist teachers but also fosters independent learning among students.

Head of Science Jamie Youles added valuable examples of AI reducing teacher workload by generating cover work, ensuring that high educational standards are maintained even in the absence of regular teachers. The session highlighted key principles such as data protection, bias mitigation, and the need for rigorous vetting of AI tools, reflecting the trust’s commitment to ethical AI use.

Webinar 3: Empowering Educators- A Panel Discussion

The final webinar brought together a panel of primary and secondary education specialists who are enthusiastic experimenters in AI. This dynamic discussion covered a broad spectrum of AI applications, from image generation and experimental data generation to the development of digital skills. The panellists shared their successes and challenges, offering practical advice and inspiring ideas for integrating AI into everyday teaching.

The discussion emphasized the versatility of AI tools and their potential to revolutionize various aspects of science education, from enhancing lesson delivery to supporting student engagement and achievement.

Looking Ahead: Continuing AI Support for our Members

The ASE is dedicated to be supporting science educators as they navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education. This webinar series demonstrated the potential of AI to enhance teaching and learning while maintaining the highest standards of ethics and responsibility. The positive feedback from participants highlights the series' success in providing relevant, practical, and inspiring professional development.

As the ASE looks forward to the next academic year, it remains committed to offering valuable resources and support to its members. Whether you are just beginning to explore AI or are looking to deepen your expertise, ASE’s ongoing initiatives will ensure you have access to the latest developments and best practices in AI for education.

Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities and continue to engage with the ASE community as we embrace the future of science education together.

Special thanks to CENTURY for sponsoring this webinar series.

Signposts from our speakers:

Bourne Education Trust Report Embedding AI Use in Schools

Reimagining the Hinterland with AI by Dr David Boyce