New Co-Chairs of the Association Elected

We welcome Alex Sinclair and Dr Leigh Hoath, who many of you may know as incredibly active and longstanding members of the ASE, to the role of Co-Chair Elect for 2022-23. The position of the Chair Elect being a joint appointment has been approved by ASE Trustees.

Alex is Science Lead at St Mary’s University, Twickenham for their primary Initial Teacher Education courses. Previously he taught science in schools for 13 years. His interests are how science can promote equity, diversity and inclusion. He writes regularly for the ASE’s Primary Science journal and has co-authored 'Superhero Scientists' and ‘Standing on the Shoulders of Giants’. He is also member of the Primary Curriculum Advisory Group formed on behalf of the RSC, RSB and IOP.

Leigh is a Senior Fellow at Leeds Trinity University where she leads science education across the primary and secondary age phases. She had an established career as a teacher before moving into HE. She is a regular conference presenter, author of science related articles and of primary and secondary books. Leigh also works as an education consultant to both the BBC on their science education campaigns and the world’s largest chemical industry, BASF, developing their outreach provision.

About the ASE's Chair Trio

People who give up their time voluntarily to support the ASE by agreeing to be nominated as Chair of the Association are taking on a three-year commitment. They work as part of a team of three (the ‘Chair Trio’) with an annual change in role, to ensure the committees and the members are supported by staff and trustees in fulfilling the aims of the organisation. They are also asked to represent the ASE regionally, nationally and internationally.

From August 1st 2022:

  • Co-Chair Elect – Alex Sinclair and Dr Leigh Hoath
  • Chair – Helen Harden
  • Past Chair – Jane Turner

Find out more about the role of ASE's Chair.

If you have any comments about the election process or you wish to be considered either on one of our committees or as a future Chair of the ASE, please email: