Opportunity to join two new ASE groups

Members are invited to apply to join a new committee and special interest group at the ASE. 

Help to shape our next Annual Conference 

We are looking for members to help us shape and drive forward our next Annual Conference in January 2025.  Chaired by the Conference Secretary, and supported by our Events Team, we have recently established terms of reference for a new Conference Organising Committee that will help to ensure our next conference is bigger and better than ever.  

You can view the full terms of reference for the Committee here

To apply, complete the application form online here. Deadline date 29th February 2024.

Interested in Science Education Policy?

We have also established a new Specialist Interest Group that will look specifically at Science Education Policy.   Comprised of members from across the ASE community and supported by our Director of Policy and Curriculum Innovation, this new policy group will seek to raise the profile of ASE positions on the hot topics in the science education space.  

You can view the full terms of reference for the Committee here

To apply complete the application form here.  Deadline date 29th February 2024