Six reasons to presents at ASE Annual Conference...

Presenting at any conference can be nerve-wracking and you might be tempted just to attend as a delegate instead, but if you do this you will miss the chance to also get feedback on your own work. ASE Conferences present the opportunity to deliver to a room full of education experts and to discuss it with them in a supportive way.

Conferences are an integral part of your professional development as a science educator, but with all of the focus on getting your proposal accepted and the stress of presenting, they can sometimes feel like an overwhelming experience. However this should not deter you as there are many reasons to attend and present your ideas at ASE Annual Conference.

(Please note, this article was updated on Wednesday, 24 May, 2023)

"It's rather intimidating to submit a proposal as, in teaching, I have limited experience of it, so I didn't have much confidence. However, once there, it was AMAZING! The people at the conference - presenters, stall holders audience members - were all so lovely and welcoming, it put me right at ease."

1. Improve your confidence

Rehearsing and delivering your session will make you more comfortable in front of an audience, and improve your confidence overall. You'll learn things like the speed at which you should talk and the amount of detail which you need to give in your explanations which can trickle down and improve your overall teaching ability.

2. Raise your profile

Answering questions after your presentation and chatting with other attendees will help raise your profile as an educator as well as the profile of your school or institution – it’s a great chance to get your name out there!

3. Grow your network

One of the biggest benefits of attending a conference is getting to know other people in the science education community. Maybe you want to get advice from an expert in another area, or want to ask someone to come and give a talk at your institution – this is much easier when you have a network to reach out to.

4. Get support from your community

It's also helpful to have support from people who are at different stages in their careers who can empathise with any dilemmas you face at work and provide advice from a different perspective.

5. Make your CV stand out

Presenting at Conference is definitely something that should go on your CV. It shows potential employers or grant-awarding bodies that you're engaged with your field and are taking an active part in communicating with other educators. If you have done it, flaunt it!

6. Have fun and meet likeminded professionals

Finally, it shouldn't be overlooked that attending a conference is good fun! You'll have the chance to attend social functions as part of a conference, giving you the opportunity to meet other people with similar interests to you, enjoy the company of others and you might even make some good friends.

Proposal submissions are open until 11:45 pm Monday, 5 June, and can be submitted via this link. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with our Conferences team via

"I came away with so many ideas of how to encourage my learners and incorporated some when re-writing some of our KS3 SOW. I also think that presenting has set my CV apart from other applicants to possible future roles."