Well-being and retention: taking control using ASE RISE

The ASE Retention Initiative for Science Educators programme

Science teacher well-being and retention continue to be issues faced by many Heads of Science. This is an ongoing challenge that the Association for Science Education has been working towards tackling for some time, our Retention Initiative for Science Educators (RISE) project aims to help schools identify - and then mitigate - issues that are affecting science teacher retention in their particular circumstance.  

Dr Andy Chandler-Grevatt, ASE RISE Lead Researcher says:

"The ASE offers support to science departments in being proactive in meeting the needs of individuals and departments as a whole. We continue to offer science departments with ASE membership access to ASE RISE. Based on principles of well-being, job satisfaction and career intentions, science teachers are asked to complete a short online survey anonymously. The results are given to the Head of Department and collated into a ‘national picture’. Along with the resources on the RISE Hub, a Head of Science can prioritise and select interventions to support science teacher wellbeing and job satisfaction. This will be the fourth year and we would encourage science departments to take part."

Sign up for the programme

The online survey will be open between 9 and 16 October 2023 with the results being with Heads of Science by early November. Interventions then start during the term leading to Christmas and into the new year.

Find out more and express your interest.