The Critical thinking for achievement project provides free CPD for primary and secondary teachers of geography and science, to strengthen their subject knowledge and build confidence and capability in curriculum planning and teaching.
Key features
These include:
- free ‘plan-do-review’ CPD over one school term, worth £360 per teacher
- a focus on knowledge application, critical use of data and construction of evidenced arguments to raise achievement in geography and science
- CPD tailored to local priorities, delivered through teacher networks
- support for teachers to apply techniques in their classroom
- an additional extension to core training on the use of data in geography and science, including geo-located and fieldwork data worth a further £360 per teacher
- funded by the Department for Education Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund (TLIF) and run by the Geographical Association in partnership with the (ASE).
Why engage with critical thinking to improve your school?
Benefits of the programme
Teachers joining the programme receive free, local CPD from GA and/or ASE expert trainers, working alongside local network leaders. Each school chooses from a package of quality-assured GA and ASE teaching resources, saving planning time and helping to apply new techniques to the classroom.
The programme improves teacher capability by:
- building confidence in curriculum planning and critical pedagogies
- increasing subject knowledge around data, scientific and geographical concepts and language
- supporting effective teaching of reformed science and geography qualifications and curricula
- saves time and aids efficient planning through use of practical tools and quality-assured curriculum plans and resources.
It introduces teaching techniques to help students:
- gain the geographical and scientific knowledge and skills needed for success in examinations and further study
- tackle complex issues more independently and construct evidenced argument through social and natural scientific investigation
- make adept use of data, use evidence critically
- appropriate challenge increases engagement with geography and science, generates interest in further study.
Joining the project
Eligible teachers are those working in schools:
- within one of the Government’s 12 Opportunity Areas and/or
- within one of the DfE’s Category 5 or 6 Local Area Districts
- rated Ofsted grade 3 or grade 4 elsewhere in England.
NB: whilst Ofsted 3-4 schools are the main target of the TLIF fund, other schools within Opportunity Areas and Category 5 or 6 Local Area Districts may be eligible as part of a local network.
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