Science Department Scenarios

This set of resources, orginally published as part of our ASE Science Leader's Hub, features a host of different scenarios submitted by teachers and leaders in secondary school science departments. In them, the teachers outline what the circumstance was, how they dealt with it, the outcome and how - on reflection - they might have adressed the situation differently. Tackling a range of subjects - from budget planning to in-class disciple - these scenarios are intended to provide stimulus for reflection and potential inter-departmental discussion.  

Departmental Self-evaluation

Seven scenarios dealing departmental issues such as underperforming colleagues and SLT oversight.

Resources Scenarios

Six Scenarios dealing with departmental budget/facilities issues - such as unexpected cuts or lab allocation issues

Student Scenarios

Ten scenarios tackling issues around students - such as attendance, disruption and parental management

Teaching and learning scenarios

Five scenarios around marking and schemes of work

Colleagues and extra work

Two additional scenarios around engaging colleagues with weekend classes and coaching