RISE - Analysing your survey data - Step 1


The purpose of this section is to ascertain the wellbeing and mental health of your staff. It gives you a back-drop to the needs of the science department: whether they are being met or that they need extra attestation. You are not able to take responsibility for any or all areas of emotional needs. When you decide on the action plan, you will need to consider what you can influence or make easier for you staff.
(Note that with the emotional needs scores, 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest).

1A. Looking at strengths

Which three emotional needs score the highest?

Is this what you expected? Does it surprise you? Can you explain any of these scores?

1B. Looking for areas of development

Which three emotional needs score the lowest?

There is a duty of care need here if you have any scores between 1-3 for three or more of the questions. At this stage you need to flag it and then add an action to your action plan.

Is this what you expected? Does it surprise you? Can you explain any of these scores?

1C Comparing your data with the cohort data

Providing you have a response rate of around 80% for your department, you should be able to make some tentative comparisons with the cohort data. Look at the ranked scores and the actual percentages.


How does the ranking of your department (top to bottom) compare with the cohort (top to bottom). Are there significant difference? e.g. two or more places (up or down)?

Percentage comparison

This may only be possible with high response rates and larger departments (10+).

Are these scores for each emotional need inline with or significantly higher or lower than the cohort data?

Is this what you expected? Does it surprise you? Can you explain any of these scores?