ASE Colleague Nominated for National Award

We are delighted that our ASE colleague, Sarah Cosgriff, has been nominated for a National Diversity Award for being a Positive Role Model for LGBT.  Through her work on the ASE’s Inclusion in Schools Programme, Sarah supports schools to drive positive change and become a more welcoming and inclusive place for young people. Watch this video to see Sarah speak about the issues surrounding inclusion in schools and the importance of adopting the whole school approach.

Having positive role models is so important for our young people.  Through her charity volunteering and her work with schools, Sarah is able to empower young people to challenge stereotypes, promote equality and broaden perceptions.  Sarah believes in having greater diversity in the contexts and role models in the curriculum so that young people can feel represented and to show how what they are learning is relevant to their lives. For this reason she also creates resources for teachers to use in the classroom on behalf of Schools OUT UK, a LGBT+ education charity.

This is a fitting nomination for so many reasons. Outside of her education work, Sarah has many roles including being an advocate for the asexual community, and podcaster. She also volunteers for Out of the Can, a LGBTQ+ youth group where she is a positive science role model for young people and has co-founded an online safe space for the asexual community in STEM. Voting is simple and quick and we would really appreciate if you could help Sarah get the recognition that she deserves.

Voting closes on Friday 20th May.