Limited time left to apply for School Science Review Editor roles...

Commissioning Editor (SSR in Practice and SSR in Depth)

Role and responsibilities:

  • To compile contents list for future issues, liaising with relevant ASE groups, the Editorial Board/Advisory Group, and using own networks, to identify suitable  topics, authors and contributions for both parts of the journal, as well as monitoring contributions from the ASE groups.
  • To brief authors of non-committee-generated articles to ensure that they fit the ethos of the journal.
  • In consultation with Managing Editor, to plan ahead ensuring balance within an issue and across the year, to support classroom practice for SSR in Practice and how SSR in Depth supports this.
  • To liaise with Managing Editor to ensure a consistent and high quality pipeline of good articles for SSR in Depth, and to identify potential crossover of material; also to monitor the flow of unsolicited articles and how these relate to any commissioned pieces
  • To liaise with ASE Business Manager regarding in-text adverts and science/industry career-sponsored spread per issue for SSR in Practice.

Managing Editor (SSR in Practice and SSR in Depth)

Role and responsibilities:

  • To discuss and agree, with Commissioning Editor, future issue plans and crossover between the two journals.
  • To consider all articles as they come in (either commissioned or unsolicited, for both journals) and allocate reviewers.
  • To receive reviews, collate and (if necessary) adapt them in a supportive manner and send to authors.
  • To receive revised articles, liaise with authors concerning suitability, length, and adherence to reviewers’ comments.
  • To do final edit before sending to production team.
  • To work with HQ and SSR production team to take articles through production process.

Both roles will be fully supported in an administrative way by HQ staff members, and both are remunerated positions. We are looking for both Editors to commence work during the autumn term 2022, to work alongside the current Editors in preparing for the spring 2023 issues of SSR in Practice and SSR in Depth.

Further details available upon request from Pauline O’Connor ( Closing date for applications: 7th October 2022.