Senior Leader Perspectives on Managing Science Departments

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has funded the Association for Science Education to carry out a small-scale project into the working relationships between science departments and school senior leaders. We are looking to conduct a number of interviews with either headteachers, deputy heads or other senior management team members who have experience in managing a large science department. On this page you'll find information on the motivation behind the project, what it involves and how to express an interest in taking part...

What's the challenge - why are you looking for senior leaders?
From small-scale studies, including two full cohorts of participants in the ASE RISE project, there are suggestions that tensions between science departments and school leaders could be a factor that impacts science teacher retention. The focus of this small study is to capture the perspectives, both positive and less so, of senior leaders on the management of science departments.

So what will the output be?
The overarching aim of the ASE is to develop resources for schools to use that will support both senior leaders and science leaders in building positive working relationships and to inform policymakers of best practice. This small-scale project will both help inform the next steps and provide valuable insights to the education researcher leading the project.

Great - and who is that?
Dr Andy Chandler-Grevatt, Senior Lecturer in Science Education at the University of Brighton, is leading the project, overseen by colleague Professor Becky Allen.

And what's required of participants?
One online confidential interview (up to 60 minutes), with an opportunity to review and transcript afterwards (estimated 30 minutes). Dr Chandler-Grevatt is also happy to share an information package and do a short pre-interview briefing if required to answer any questions before participants agree to take part.

So when will the interviews take place?
A mutually convenient time between May and July 2023.

Are there any particular criteria you are looking for?
Participants should have experience of managing science departments in the recent past and/or currently - either as a head, deputy head or other Senior Management Team member. Ideally, they would be from state secondary schools (including academies) with medium to large science departments (schools with 1000 or more on roll).

Is this research going to be made public?
Your name and the name of your school will not appear on any of the data or results from this research or be mentioned in any publications following the analysis.

OK - I might be interested... what next?
Please email Andy Chandler-Grevatt to express your interest. You will receive further information about the study and if you wish to go ahead, we can make a mutually convenient time and date for the interview.