Why join? Community...

"I value the network so highly - I know I have colleagues in equivalent situations I can compare to. It's so useful to be able to tap into that ready-made source of knowledge, to people who have lived experience of the issues I might be facing."

ASE Member

The breadth of knowledge and experience held by the ASE membership is unparalleled, and we do all we can to make sure that it can be shared with those who need it most. Whether is through the myriad events we host, or an organisational structure that puts our membership in control, we are all about community.

As an individual member, one of the great benefits of ASE membership is being part of a community of fellow educators, allowing you to network with like-minded individuals, share best practice and support your professional development.

As an organisation, the various committees and groups responsible for steering ASE policy and strategy are all made up of volunteer members, and we are lucky to be able to call upon the expert advice of our membership in so many areas...

Seek advice and support from a diverse collective of peers

The supportive ASE community offers a safe and inclusive space to openly discuss educational or workplace challenges and receive valuable insights from educators who have likely encountered similar situations.

Celebrate successes and share best practice

By recognising and celebrating successes educators can inspire one another and share ideas, which not only elevates individual teaching practices, but also expands the collective knowledge base - benefiting the entire community, and ultimately enhancing science education for all.

Expand your professional network

Expand your professional and personal network by actively creating connections, forging meaningful relationships, and engaging with individuals who share your passions and aspirations, opening doors to new opportunities and fostering personal growth.

Steer policy through ASE committees

Increase your experience and influence by joining regional or national committees that shape ASE policy, allowing you to actively contribute, shape educational initiatives, and make a lasting impact on science education at a broader level.

Instantly tap into an active digital community

Instantly tap into an active digital community of experienced science educators via the #ASEchat, where you can engage in real-time discussions, share resources, and collaborate with passionate educators, fostering continuous learning and professional development.