STE Editor Application

Science Teacher Education (STE) is aimed at all those who support, educate, and develop science teachers. It is closely aligned with the activity of the ASE Futures Committee. Therefore, STE will continue to act as a main organ of communication for ASE Futures through which members, as authors and readers, can exchange professional ideas related to science teacher development and education. 

Its readership includes those whose roles include pre- and in-service teacher education, the design, coordination, and facilitation of professional development, mentoring and coaching, whether in school, school groups or externally, curriculum design and development, and subject and departmental leadership. 

Historically STE has been delivered in an online journal format. It is now migrating to an online hub to increase accessibility. We are excited to announce that this opportunity means that we are looking for new Editor/Curator for the STE online Hub.

If you would like to apply for this role, please complete the form below. Once completed, we will be in touch, should we move forward with your application to interview stage. 

Please read the Job Role before completing the form below. 

Applicant Details
Please provide a copy of you CV here.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc.