Celebrating CPD success – ASE chartered science teacher wins Science Council Award

Last night the Science Council hosted its annual Celebration of Science event. Every year a sample of registrants* are asked to complete a CPD return showing that they have taken part in a variety of different types of CPD, and that the CPD is relevant to their role. Entrants have to demonstrate how the CPD has improved their own practice and how users of their service (teachers and students) have benefited from what they have learned.

We are delighted that Bryony Turford, CSciTeach through ASE and ASE Member, has been awarded a CPD Award for 2023 for excellence in her CPD practice. Bryony is a Primary Science Professional Development Leader from Yorkshire & Humber region and co-founder and director of My Science Club, providing high quality science club resources and support for educators.

Bryony said, 'I was thrilled to receive the notification that I was a CPD award winner. Being a chartered science teacher (CSciTeach) means so much to me. As a primary teacher with a GCSE in Human Biology, I have often felt a huge sense of imposter syndrome and that my peers are more 'science'y' than me. The charter mark had a huge effect on my self belief that my work is valued and has parity with colleagues in the sector. Achieving this award has made me feel this all over again and I am so proud to be reconised in this way.'  

Co-Chairs Alex Sinclair and Leigh Hoath are delighted with this recognition of Bryony’s work and said, 'She is a committed member of the ASE and the primary science community who benefit from her enthusiasm and expertise. The opportunity to develop through professional registration, such as CSciTeach, means that high quality of science CPD is on offer to the school science communities.' 

Find out more about professional registration with the ASE 

*The Association for Science Education, as a licensed body of the Science Council, is empowered under the terms of its Royal Charter to administer Professional Registration awards to individuals who meet the application requirements. Applicants must be active in science teaching and learning in the UK or overseas; this includes teachers and technicians in all state and independent schools, colleges and universities, as well as advisers, inspectors, consultants and researchers.

Bryony Turford science council award