School Science Review Submission Guidelines
SSR has an international readership made up of ASE members and library subscribers with an interest in 11-19 science education, including new and experienced teachers, teacher trainees, teacher educators, school leaders and Heads of Department, advisers, consultants and technicians. All articles in each issue of SSR are published online with an accompanying print publication including a selection of shorter articles. Article links to further reading, resources and multimedia content are available in the online version of the journal, accessible at
Writing & Submission Guidelines
The writing process begins with the submission of an article ideas via the Articles ideas form. All ideas are discussed with the content editor to agree the most suitable type of article. Finished articles and image files should be submitted online via the Submit an article for SSR form. More detailed guidelines covering writing and submitting articles for SSR can be found in the SSR Submission Guidelines document.
Terms & Conditions
- It is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission, before submission, for the use of any material for which the copyright is held by a third-party including images and intellectual property.
- As for all ASE publications, we ask that you do not submit the same article to any other publication (including other ASE journals) at the same time.
- Any article written for ASE journals should not replicate content of an article previously published in another journal (by ASE or another publisher).
- AI tools may not be used to write articles for the ASE, as these tools cannot currently manage conflicts of interest or copyright and licensing agreements. Authors may use AI tools solely to improve the language and readability of their articles, provided they disclose the use of these tools to the journal editor.
- Materials published in all ASE journals will be published on the ASE website and some articles may be accessible to the public as sample material.
If you have any further questions about writing for SSR, please do not hesitate to contact the editors at, or submit your ideas via the article ideas form ( and we will be in touch.