Qualifications Wales announce new The Sciences GCSE will be introduced from 2026

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Qualifications Wales announced today that the new GCSE The Sciences (Double Award) qualification – the main science qualification for learners aged 14-16 – will now be introduced for first teaching from September 2026, rather than September 2025 as originally intended. The specification will be published in September 2025, one year ahead of first teaching in September 2026.

Statement from Qualifications Wales

Qualifications Wales state the reason for this change in timing:

 ‘Designing any new qualification is complex, and during the development process, we’ve recognised that further work is needed to ensure GCSE The Sciences fully meets the future needs of learners. We will be using this additional time to refine the design of the qualification, including achieving a better spread of assessment across Years 10 and 11. We will also be removing the separate interdisciplinary unit, “Bringing the Sciences Together”, and introducing synoptic elements to each of the assessments in year 11 requiring learners to explore connections between topics within each individual science discipline.

This timetable change means that both the GCSE The Sciences (Double Award) and the new GCSE Integrated Science (Single Award) will now begin first teaching at the same time, in September 2026. This will better support school-based decisions on which science qualification is most appropriate for individual learners.

Centres will continue to be able to offer the current range of science GCSEs for learners starting their studies in September 2025. These qualifications will then be replaced by the new GCSE The Sciences (Double Award) and the new GCSE Integrated Science (Single Award) for learners starting their GCSE courses in September 2026.’

ASE comment

ASE has been working with Qualifications Wales on the new national qualifications. Marianne Cutler, our Director of Policy and Curriculum Innovation made the following comment:

‘We welcome the decision by Qualifications Wales to introduce a new GCSE, The Sciences (double award) from September 2026 with the expectation that the vast majority of learners will study this. This supports our long-held position that a single route at GCSE, which combines the best features of both combined (double) and separate (triple) science study, enables equity of access by students and supports better deployment of specialist science teachers. (This position is reflected in our election pledges document, on the reform of the science education curriculum and assessment).

 We value working closely with Qualifications Wales in shaping the criteria for the new GCSE, The Sciences, and look forward to supporting WJEC in the development of the specification over the coming months. We will be advising on how the new GCSE equips all students with the skills, attitudes and values to be well-rounded global citizens, as well as providing opportunities to progress into further STEM study and the STEM workforce. This is a real opportunity for this GCSE, The Sciences, to reflect contemporary science and innovation, and engage all young people, regardless of their background. We will continue to advise that climate change and sustainability must feature and there must be sustained emphasis on frequent and purposeful practical work.’

We will publish further details as they become available.