Science Teacher Education - Submit an idea

Please use the form below to submit your idea for consideration for the Science Teacher Education Hub. We interested in hearing about ideas for articles, including research, podcasts, webinars and events. If you have an idea and want some support writting please use the form and we be happy to get in touch with you. 

Science Teacher Education (STE) is a purposeful online space that is committed to capturing the perspectives of science teacher educators, experienced teachers, trainee teachers and the international community. We welcome all voices to contribute their experiences and thinking about current issues in science teacher education. 

If you would like to see more information on our submission guidelines please go here

Contact Details
Please list all other authors and seperate their names by a commar
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Allowed file types: txt doc docx.
Please ensure your image quality is at least 300 dpi
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png eps tif.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png eps tif.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png eps tif.

You need to ensure that you have the correct permission to use any images provided with your article. Please also bear in mind you are required to gain permission of any images of children from parents and school. If submitting multiple images please select all that apply. 

Third-Party copyright

Please upload a copy of the copyright permission from the copyright holder, if obtained via email please upload a copy of the email confirming the use of the image. 

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
Please also ensure you include the links to image/s source within your submitted manuscript as well.

You can read more about creative commons and the different licenses here: Creative Commons Licenses

Once you have submitted your article, it will be reviewed for suitability for inclusion in the journal and you will be be contacted by the Content Editor in due course.