Building Science Capital - Teacher Developers Network

12 November 2024
18:00 - 19:00

How effective are science enrichment activities on learners science capital? 

Event Type: 
Online event
11-19 Teachers
Early Career Teachers
NQT ( Newly Qualified Teacher)
Senior Phase
Student Teacher

Join us to discuss Science Capital, Science Week and how we can build the science identity of our young people in this relaxed network meeting.

This meeting is part of a group of termly meetings convened by ASE Teacher Developers Group.

ASE Teacher Developers support those who work in all phases of education, whose roles include pre-service teacher education, teacher professional development, mentoring and coaching, and subject and departmental leadership.

Our Network meetings are informal opportunities for all those with these roles to gather together online, share practice and learn from each other. The network meets each term. All meetings are cross-phase.

If you have something to share, through a relaxed 15-20 minute presentation, please get in touch with