Southern Counties Workshop - AI in Science Teaching

17 October 2024
16:00 - 18:00

A face-to-face workshop looking at opportunities for using AI in Science teaching.


Event Type: 
11-19 Teachers
BGE (Broad General Education)
Early Career Teachers
Student Teacher
Southern Counties (Hampshire, Dorset, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands)

With the many recent developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI), many teachers are interested in using these tools to improve their teaching and also reduce workload. This workshop will look at the things to consider when starting to use AI tools as well as some opportunities they present. We will look at some freely available examples within the session. Whilst the workshop aims to just introduce these, the aim is set up a forum so that those attending can stay in touch as they trial things in their own teaching, to enable them to share their experience and benefit from what others have tried and learnt.

NB: This is a face to face event with no option for joining remotely. 

Venue: Saint George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Southampton. SO16 3DQ

Price: £10 ASE members / £20 Non members. Refreshments included.