STE Hub new content for autumn term

Since launching the new STE Online Hub in July, we’ve been busy.

We’re delighted to share with you that two new podcast episodes have landed as well as great new article from Alexandra Beauchamp, Su-Jen Roberts, and Dave Johnston.

In the second episode, Global Perspectives: Preparing Beginning Teachers for Primary Science, Natasha Serret talks to Amy Strachan, Alex Sinclair and Lisa Sheriff about Initial Teacher Education in Australia, England and Wales. We wonder, how do different countries prepare beginning teachers to teach primary science? Are there similar tensions? Challenges? Opportunities? What can we learn from each other? 

In episode three, Exploring the Landscape of Continuing Professional Development: Insights and Reflections, Natasha Serret is in conversation with Sam Mortimer, Director of Science for Co-op Academies Trust, a large Multi- Academy Trust in the North-West of England. Sam shares his perspective on innovating and leading science across schools. 

We've also just posted the following new article. Journeys into initial Teacher increasing teachers' positive acience attitudes through zoo and aquarium based professional development, This article looks at how teachers’ attitudes towards science have an important impact on classroom practices and students’ interest in science. It explores research and results on how science-focused professional development (PD) has demonstrated positive effects on teachers’ beliefs, with a focus on improving self-efficacy when teaching science.

We hope you enjoy these new features. We’ll be in touch to remind you to login when new content lands but don’t forget there is a whole archive of materials from STE’s print days available for you on the site!

If you are interested in contributing to STE, you can view our submission guidelines on our Write for Us page.

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