
Hello! This is my first month of being in charge of The Prep Room page. I'm sure some people may know me but, for those that don't, I have been on the ASE Technicians' Committee for a few years now, and I work as a senior technician at Manor CE Academy School in York. This is my third school and second as a senior technician. I am a biologist, but work across all three sciences.

The Prep Room

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For over 250 years, the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) has been committed to finding practical...

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Journal Article

ASE is delighted to announce that its President for 2014 will be Professor Alice Roberts, lecturer, broadcaster and author. ASE looks forward to...

Jan 2013
Journal Article

This latest request received via ASE was certainly the most unusual that I have ever received. After a quick double-take and slight bemusement as...

Jan 2013
Journal Article