
Sense About Science is a UK-based charitable trust that equips people to make sense of science and of evidence on issues that matter to society. It was set up in 2003 in response to newspaper front pages being full of headlines about mobile phones 'frying your brain', genetically modified 'Frankenstein foods', the MMR vaccine, 'cocktails of toxic chemicals', radiation and 'the electrosmog'.

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By using a specific episode of the popular television cartoon series The Simpsons, a range of techniques can be communicated, including microscope...

Jan 2011
Journal Article

In 2007, the Women in Physics Group of the Institute of Physics initiated the Very Early Career Woman Physicist of the Year Award, which seeks to...

Jan 2011
Journal Article

These notes describe six practical activities for supplementing standard practical work in radioactivity. They are based on a series of workshops...

Jan 2011
Journal Article