Other curated resources

The ASE has long been engaged with partners with an interest in science education, either through co-creation of resources or the assessment of externally produced materials. Some of those resouces are hosted on the ASE's schoolscience website, and those that have been assessed as having particular relevance to post-16/technial educators can be found here. Others are still hosted on the originating organisation's property, the resources listed below have been curated as part of the post-16 resource audit carried out in summer of 2022 - thanks to the support of the Gatsby Foundation...

Antimicrobial resistance

Antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines are vital in todays society but overuse can make these medicines lose effectiveness. These resources are intended to aid students in understanding how resistance develops, the risks posed to human and animal health, and measures to combat resistance...


Statistics in research

Statistical tests are fundamental to research and allow scientists to quantify differences between sets of data and be confident in the interpretation of results, this resource will help students to understand: basic terms of statistics, how to choose an appropriate statistical test for certain data sets and how to use and interpret several statistical tests...


Genetic Engineering

This poster resource will help students to: understand the science behind gene transfer, think about the implications of our newly-acquired ability to move genes from one living thing to another, grapple with the issues involved in producing medical treatments from genetic engineering...


Pathogens and the immune system

This resource focuses on helping students understand how pathogens cause disease, how a healthy body protects us against pathogens, and how this can help us reduce the impact of communicable diseases around the world...


Cell Biology

Living organisms are made up of cells. Understanding the structures and functions of cells is the key to understanding how whole organisms work and interact with the world around them...



Inside every cell hundreds of chemical reactions take place. Enzymes help control the rate of all these reactions and make sure that they take place at the right place and in the right order for the cell to survive...


Bioenergy and biofuels discussion toolkits

This resource is built around stimulating discussion issues around the need to find alternative energy supplies to replace fossil fuels, and the issues raised by bioenergy... 

(UK Research and Innovation)

The Squashed Tomato Challenge

A group problem-solving activity in sustainable development context, The squashed tomato challenge tasks students with designed and building a model system that can transport tomatoes without squashing them...

(Practical Action)