Post-16 on School Science

The website hosts a broad range of resources and information of relevance to science educators. Part of the scope of the resource audit carried out in summer of 2022 - thanks to the support of the Gatsby Foundation - was an assessment of the materials available on the schoolscience website from the point of view of the post-16 curriculum. The resources and assets below were considered of particular relevance to post-16 educators by our team of assessors...

Richard III and the isotope story

This resource uses the famous recovery of the remains of the former king as the basis of an investigation into isotope analysis...

Contaminated Crops

In this activity students consider how research into variations in the uptake of radioactive isotopes by crop plants could be used to reduce human intake...

Fast Periodic Table

An interactive periodic table featuring a wealth of different information display options...

Visualising the Invisible

Using their own understanding of the communication of disease and real life hospital data, students can consider how an understanding of hand touch patterns may be used to reduce healthcare associated infections.

Macaques and Malaria

How is malaria normally transmitted to humans? What is unusual about a certain type of malaria (called Plasmodium knowlesi) being passed to humans? This activity illustrates how scientists use fieldwork to collect evidence.

Protecting Communities in Africa from Pneumococcus

In this activity students consider the design of clinical trials to test the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccines for community protection in The Gambia, and interpret results from the original research trials.