In this activity children learn how forces cause movement and to understand the way that liquids behave enables us to use them in hydraulic systems.
Odo Gerald is a quiet 15 year old Nigerian boy who loves to make things. At Maker Faire Africa 2012 he exhibited all the toys he had made of painted plywood, syringes, wooden pieces, wire, water and small tubes. Odo makes his toys move using syringes, plastic tubes and water.
The challenge for your class is to find out how Odo might do this. Children will learn how forces cause movement and to understand the way that liquids behave enables us to use them in hydraulic systems. They learn how to use their understanding to design and make a moving toy using hydraulics.
Learning Objective:
- that several forces may act on one object
Children will learn:
- to identify which factors affect movement
- that water-filled syringes can make things move
These resources were initially developed in partnership with the Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University.