
At first thought it may seem a little peculiar to have a physics theme for SSR, why single out physics for that honour? Physics matters. It matters, because in the 21st century we need physicists as innovators who will enable us to prosper in a global economy, as problem solvers who will overcome the challenges of environmental degradation and, last but not least, because physicists help to fire the curiosity that enables us to develop as a species.

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In an attempt to find some answers, schools in which A-level physics is thriving are compared with schools that are struggling to keep the subject...

Jan 2008
Journal Article

Successful teaching of an important physics topic requires comfortable subject knowledge and an understanding of a pedagogy to promote learning....

Jan 2008
Journal Article

The continuing under-representation of female students in physics is still of concern, this Institute of Physics project investigated the causes...

Jan 2008
Journal Article