
The website Earthlearningidea was developed for the International Year of Planet Earth in 2007 and continues with one new activity per fortnight. Activities are devised to catch the attention of students and to enable them to enjoy the science of the Earth. Many activities require minimal equipment, for schools in developing countries, but there is plenty to enhance the teaching of topics such as plate tectonics where some apparatus is needed.

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For this activity, the class is divided into six groups and one box is handed to each group. The groups have a number of minutes to try to work...

Jan 2012
Journal Article

To those of us who believe that a scientific approach to Earth science should be part of the education of every child, the answer is clear Earth...

Jan 2012
Journal Article

The'issue' of there being only limited time available to teachers for the development of teaching and learning resources has been with...

Jan 2012
Journal Article