School Science Review

SSR (School Science Review) is the ASE journal for 11-19 members and those with access to library membership. Articles are aimed at those working in 11-19 science education both in the UK and internationally, including new and experienced teachers, teacher trainees, teacher educators, school leaders and Heads of Department, advisers, consultants and technicians.  It is now published termly, in November, March and July and comprises two parts: SSR in Practice (available on paper and online) and SSR in Depth (online only). It is available to be included as a member benefit - members can choose either SSR or Primary Science.

SSR in Practice is a magazine-style, professionally reviewed journal focusing on science education in the classroom, and aims to provide CPD for both readers and contributors, drawing on the expertise of the whole ASE community and wider science education network. Largely commissioned and curated by the Commissioning Editor, SSR in Practice is actively supported by several national ASE committees (11-19, Technician, Research and Health & Safety).

SSR in Depth, published simultaneously with SSR in Practice, is the ASE’s academically peer-reviewed journal for 11-19 science education and features longer articles, often research-based, and more detailed and advanced science notes. The same supportive approach towards authors from the editorial team applies, with new writers for SSR in Depth continuing to be welcomed. Articles referencing, or expanding upon articles in, SSR in Practice ensure that both parts of the new-look SSR are relevant to all readers.


SSR in Practice

SSR in Depth

Science education in the context of the climate crisis

Science education and nature

Science in health care

The role and relevance of science in addressing global concerns

Science and engineering and big questions

The Periodic Table part 2
