RISE Hub - Analysing your survey data


This is guidance for analysing your Autumn term ASE RISE data. The Head of Department or leader of the ASE RISE project should use this to analyse their department’s data. You should use it alongside this Master Analysis Tool. Before you start, make sure you have both the analysis template and a copy of your school's RISE report (including the cohort comparison data) to hand. 

Reading feedback like this, especially if you lead a department, can potentially be difficult. We suggest that you set yourself some time and space to read the data for the first time, perhaps with a colleague. It is important that you personally feel supported - this document - might be helpful in that regard. If you feel you would prefer some additional help, we have a range of support packages here.

For each section, emotional needs, job satisfaction and career intentions, you will need to analyse the quantitative data by:

  1. Looking at strengths
  2. Looking at areas of development
  3. Moderating your conclusions by comparing your department data with the cohort data
  4. Then look at the qualitative data to help understand specific strengths, areas for improvement and intentions of your staff.

There are five stages in the analysis, you should allow about an hour to do this thoroughly. You will then be in a position to consider your next steps.

The analysis process...

Step 1: Analysing emotional needs data

Step 2: Analysing job satisfaction data

Step 3: Analysing career intentions data

Step 4: Considering your context

Bringing it together - conclusions

Next Step - Making your RISE action plan

Master Analysis Tool

RISE Action Planner

Support for Science Leaders