Science Leaders' Survival Guide - Health & Safety

A guide for survival in school science departments! This resource is handbook for managing a busy school science department and shares insights from Heads of Science and Science Leaders.

The Science Leaders' Survival Guide includes:

  • Introductory pages to provide a starting point for new science leaders to support them in what to prioritise during their first term and advise on the process of developing a vision for their department
  • ‘How to...' guides for both new and more experienced science leaders on how to maximise the potential of their team, develop their curriculum both in the classroom and beyond and support students with exam preparation and career choices. 

We hope all our current readers enjoy the guide and that many more science leaders will benefit from the wide range of advice shared within.

Equipment and resources

How to ensure safety checks are done

How to provide and use health and safety equipment

How to use radioactive sources safely


How to ensure health and safety training

How to help students learn about health and safety

How to use teaching assistants to support health and safety

How to work with supply staff in health and safety

How to work with technicians on health and safety

Risk assessment

How to integrate health and safety monitoring into normal work

How to use risk assessments to support practical science